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Build a Custom Network of Davis Sensors

The weather transmitter is the backbone of the weather station. The transmitter collects the data from the weather sensor array and transmits it to the receiver, such as a console or WeatherLink Live. The EnviroMonitor system also uses Nodes that transmit data to a Gateway. The Vantage Pro2 weather transmitters have a selection of ports to accommodate a range of sensor types.

Two Types of Wireless Transmitters

Davis Instruments also has stand-alone sensor transmitters that can be a perfect addition to your Vantage Vue or Vantage Pro2 weather station when used with a WeatherLink Live. You can install sensors in a sensor transmitter to wirelessly transmit data to WeatherLink Live up to 1,000 ft. In the EnviroMonitor System, Nodes transmit data to a Gateway and to each other so that you can create a weather transmitter array, making EnviroMonitor Nodes an excellent choice for remote locations and larger agricultural operations. Davis Instruments sensor transmitters are available in both AC-powered and solar-powered versions, and also have a battery backup that can last up to nine months.

Sensor Transmitter

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Leaf Wetness & Soil Moisture/Temperature Station

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Our sensor transmitters work with several sensors: temperature probes, humidity, wind speed and direction, rain gauge, UV, and solar radiation sensors. EnviroMonitor Nodes have an even greater range of sensor compatibility, including Davis sensors mentioned above as well as a wide selection of third-party sensors, including leaf wetness sensors, soil moisture sensors, pressure, flow meters, level sensors and many more. This compatibility means that they are versatile and can be used in many different applications. Davis Instruments is a trusted choice when it comes to collecting and transmitting weather and field condition data.

Sensor Transmitter

Sensor Transmitters are the building blocks of your custom network of sensors. They can be positioned indoors or outdoors and are capable of transmitting data up to 1,000 ft. (300 m). Each transmitter can support up to five sensors, including an Anemometer, Rain Collector, Temperature Probe or Temperature & Humidity Sensor, UV Sensor and Solar Radiation Sensor.

sonic anemometer by Davis Instruments
sonic anemometer by Davis Instruments
sonic anemometer back view
sonic anemometer mounted outdoors

Sonic Anemometer - SKU 6415

Anemometer for Vantag Pro2 and Enviromonitor
Anemometer for Vantag Pro2 and Enviromonitor
Anemometer for Vantag Pro2 and Enviromonitor
Anemometer for Vantag Pro2 and Enviromonitor included components

Anemometer for Vantage Pro2™ & EnviroMonitor® - SKU 6410


Solar-Powered Wireless Sensor Transmitter - SKU 6332

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AC Powered Wireless Sensor Transmitter - SKU 6331

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Leaf Wetness & Soil Moisture/ Temperature Station

Robust enough for large-scale agriculture and simple enough for backyard gardening. A fully-populated station can have two Leaf Wetness Sensors, four Soil Moisture Sensors, and four Temperature Probes. Compatible with 2-Wire Termination Stainless Steel Temperature Probe (6470).

temperature probe
temperature probe
temperature probe
temperature probe

Stainless Steel Temperature Probe with Two-Wire Termination - SKU 6470


Wireless Leaf & Soil Moisture/Temperature Station - SKU 6345

without sensors

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Complete Wireless Soil Moisture/Temperature Station - SKU 6345CS

with sensors:
Soil Moisture Sensors x4
Temperature Probes x4

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Sensors You Can Use With Your Console/Receiver

Table header 0WeatherLink
EnviroMonitorVantage Pro2Vantage VueWeatherLink LiveWeather Envoy
Sensor TypeShown/LoggedLoggedShown/LoggedShown/LoggedShown/LoggedLogged
Temperature Probe3280+
Shown: 8
Logged: 4
Shown: 8
Logged: 4/3
Solar Radiation880+1081
Leaf Wetness1680+2**0162**
Soil Moisture3280+4**0324**
Third-Party Sensors080+***0000

‘’Shown’’ = Current conditions seen on the display or WeatherLink
‘’Logged’’ = Stored historical archive records on the Weatherlink Cloud
* One Sensor Suite or transmitter only.
** Only if one transmitter has Leaf Wetness only and one has Soil Moisture (Temperature probes allowed on both).
*** Go to for supported sensors.